Simple Atom / RSS Reader for PHP
I was recently looking for a simple RSS reader for PHP. There are a few out there, like Magpie RSS. These seem like adequate projects, but much too high level for the scripts I was throwing together. I need to read a couple of different feed formats: namely Wordpress' RSS feed and Flickr's Atom feeds. I decided to put together a single-class implementation which didn't do anything more than the bare minimum.
- Read both Atom and RSS feeds.
- Easy initialisation and feed iteration (one line for each).
- Cache URL contents (default is 60 minutes).
- Graceful degradation: fail gracefully on errors (errors result in a 0 item feed which can be iterated through).
- Single XML implementation for leaner code (SimpleXML).
Firstly, my usage examples:
$feed = new Feed('');
//Get items with next() or current()
echo $feed->next()->title; // "Blog post 1"
echo $feed->next()->title; // "Blog post 2"
echo $feed->current()->title; // "Blog post 2"
//Feed data returned
echo $feed->current()->title; // "Blog post 2"
echo $feed->current()->date; // int(1265569159)
echo $feed->current()->description; // "Lorem ipsum dolar..."
echo $feed->current()->link; // ""
echo $feed->current()->image; // ""
//Get multiple items in single call
foreach ($feed->find(3) as $item) {
echo $item->title; // "Blog post 3" "Blog post 4" "Blog post 5"
//Reset internal counter
echo $feed->reset();
echo $feed->next()->title; // "Blog post 1"
//Get random items, without repeating
echo $feed->random()->title; // "Blog post 4"
echo $feed->random()->title; // "Blog post 1"
//Total number of items
echo $feed->count(); // int(10)
The implementation is below. I failed on the single-class requirement, instead choosing to use the Template design pattern and break the actual XML DOM navigation out into a seperate class for each feed type. This keeps the overall design a lot cleaner.
* Simple reader for RSS and Atom feeds.
* Requires: SimpleXML, fopen_wrappers
* Limitations: Not content encoding support.
* Usage:
* $feed = new Feed('');
* //Get items with next() or current()
* echo $feed->next()->title; // "Blog post 1"
* echo $feed->next()->title; // "Blog post 1"
* echo $feed->next()->title; // "Blog post 2"
* echo $feed->current()->title; // "Blog post 2"
* //Feed data returned
* echo $feed->current()->title; // "Blog post 2"
* echo $feed->current()->date; // int(1265569159)
* echo $feed->current()->description; // "Lorem ipsum dolar..."
* echo $feed->current()->link; // ""
* echo $feed->current()->image; // ""
* //Get multiple items in single call
* foreach ($feed->find(3) as $item) {
* echo $item->title; // "Blog post 3" "Blog post 4" "Blog post 5"
* }
* //Reset internal counter
* echo $feed->reset();
* echo $feed->next()->title; // "Blog post 1"
* //Get random items, without repeating
* echo $feed->random()->title; // "Blog post 4"
* echo $feed->random()->title; // "Blog post 3"
* //Total number of items
* echo $feed->count(); // int(10)
class Feed {
private $url;
private $reader;
private $current;
private $remaining;
public $cacheTime = 3600;
* Create Atom reader object.
* @param string $url
public function __construct($url) {
$this->url = $url;
* Reset current item to first RSS item.
public function reset() {
$this->current = -1;
$this->remaining = null;
* Get the next item in the feed.
* @return stdClass Object representing the item. Will return null when the list is exhausted.
public function next() {
if ($this->current < $this->count()) {
$next = $this->getReader()->item($this->current);
return $next;
* Get the current item in the feed.
* @return stdClass Object representing the item. Will return null when the list is exhausted.
public function current() {
return $this->getReader()->item(max(0, $this->current));
* Get random item from the feed. Will not return an item more than once.
* @return stdClass Object representing the item. Will return null when the list is exhausted.
public function random() {
if ($this->remaining === null) {
$this->remaining = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->count(); $i++) {
$this->remaining[] = $i;
if (count($this->remaining)) {
$picked = array_rand($this->remaining);
$index = $this->remaining[$picked];
return $this->getReader()->item($index);
* Get X items from feed. Will advance pointer.
* @param int $count
* @return array of stdClass
public function find($count) {
$items = array();
while ($item = $this->next()) {
$items[] = $item;
if (count($items) >= $count) {
return $items;
* Get the number of items in the feed.
* @return int
public function count() {
return $this->getReader()->count();
* Get FeedReader object for the feed.
* @return FeedReader
private function getReader() {
if (!$this->reader) {
$xml = $this->getXML();
if (RSSReader::canRead($xml)) {
$this->reader = new RSSReader($xml);
} else if (AtomReader::canRead($xml)) {
$this->reader = new AtomReader($xml);
} else {
$this->reader = new NullReader($xml);
return $this->reader;
* Get XML element for the feed.
* @return SimpleXMLElement
private function getXML() {
if ($xml = $this->getCacheXML()) {
return $xml;
} else if ($xml = $this->getURLXML()) {
return $xml;
} else {
return new SimpleXMLElement("");
* Get XML element for the feed from cache.
* @return SimpleXMLElement or null if cache doesn't exist.
private function getCacheXML() {
//Store URL data in local cache.
$cacheFilename = $this->getCacheFilename();
if (file_exists($cacheFilename) &amp;&amp; (time() - filemtime($cacheFilename)) < $this->cacheTime) {
if ($data = file_get_contents($cacheFilename)) {
return new SimpleXMLElement($data);
* Get XML element from the feed from the live URL.
* Will cache XML data to disk.
* @return SimpleXMLElement or null if URL is unreachable.
private function getURLXML() {
if ($data = @file_get_contents($this->url)) {
try {
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($data);
file_put_contents($this->getCacheFilename(), $data);
return $xml;
} catch (Exception $e) {
return null;
* Name of the cache file for current URL.
* @return string
private function getCacheFilename() {
return sys_get_temp_dir() . '/' . md5($this->url) . '.feed.cache';
* Interface for reading items from feed.
interface FeedReader {
* Create reader from SimpleXMLElement.
* @param SimpleXMLElement $root
public function __construct(SimpleXMLElement $root);
* Get single node.
* @return array or null.
public function item($index);
* Get number of items.
* @return int.
public function count();
* Can this reader understand the XML file?
* @param SimpleXMLElement $root
* @return bool
public static function canRead(SimpleXMLElement $root);
* Concrete implementation of FeedReader that will never return an item.
class NullReader implements FeedReader {
public function __construct(SimpleXMLElement $root) {
public function count() {
return null;
public function item($index) {
return null;
public static function canRead(SimpleXMLElement $root) {
return true;
* Concrete implementation of FeedReader that will read an Atom feed.
class AtomReader implements FeedReader {
private $root;
public function __construct(SimpleXMLElement $root) {
$this->root = $root;
public function count() {
return count($this->root->entry);
public function item($index) {
$node = $this->root->entry[$index];
if (!$node) {
return null;
$item = array(
'title' => (string)$node->title,
'description' => (string)$node->description,
'image' => null,
'link' => null,
'date' => strtotime($node->published),
//Iterate through link nodes getting content URL and images.
foreach ($node->link as $link) {
if (strpos($link['type'], 'text') === 0 || $item['link'] === null) {
$item['link'] = (string)$link['href'];
if (strpos($link['type'], 'image') === 0) {
$item['image'] = (string)$link['href'];
return (object)$item;
public static function canRead(SimpleXMLElement $root) {
//Check for Atom namespace.
return in_array('', $root->getNamespaces());
* Concrete implementation of FeedReader that will read an RSS feed.
class RSSReader implements FeedReader {
private $root;
public function __construct(SimpleXMLElement $root) {
$this->root = $root;
public function count() {
return count($this->root->channel->item);
public function item($index) {
$node = $this->root->channel->item[$index];
if (!$node) {
return null;
return (object)array(
'title' => (string)$node->title,
'description' => (string)$node->description,
'url' => (string)$node->link,
'image' => null,
'date' => strtotime($node->pubDate),
public static function canRead(SimpleXMLElement $root) {
//RSS feeds name their root node 'rss'.
return $root->getName() == 'rss';
There are a few things missing, namely any kind of encoding awareness and correct error handling. It also requires SimpleXML and allow_url_fopen to be enabled. On the plus side the code is simple enough to hack in new features as they are needed.
I'm releasing this code under the BSD License, so feel free to take and modify it for any purposes.